Miracle Cabaret Chiang Mai – new show?

Miracle Cabaret Chiang Mai – new show?

There is a new cabaret show in Thailand's north capital: Miracle Cabaret Chiang Mai. The grand opening took place in March 2015. No, it's not a new show and it's certainly not a new place. It's Chiang Mai Cabaret Theatre with a new name and some updated interior design. As we can only guess it was renamed to avoid possible confusion with Chiang Mai Cabaret Show at Anusarn Market in the Night Bazaar. Interesting fact that this particular place (near Mercure hotel) has big history in cabaret business. Long time ago it was occupied by Simon and then by Penthouse cabaret. Those shows didn't last for long. So what's gonna be with a new one?

Showtimes were changed. If before it was twice per day then now it's only once. Start 8:30pm and finish 9.40pm. There are over 200 performers which is more than in many big cabaret shows in Thailand. There is an updated info for ticket price and seats. The capacity of Miracle Cabaret is 465 seats total. There are 243 normal seats available 800THB per person, 222 VIP seats 1000THB per person. Local residents including foreighners 300THB per person – foreigners should bring driving licence or some other proof of residence. As you can see the prices went up (from 500THB) and now it's on the same price range with the most famous and biggest cabaret shows in Thailand as Tiffany and Simon.

Prior to the show at the restaurant people can eat either a la carte or 200THB set menu for a table of 10.

We hope that with a new name and new marketing ideas Miracle Cabaret will become another hot-spot attraction in Chiang Mai.


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